PRESENT PROGRESSIVE AND PRESENT SIMPLE Usamos el Present Simple: 1) Para hacer referencia a situaciones que se repiten con cierta frecuencia: a. En el contexto de un adverbo de frequencia (never, hardly ever, sometimes, often, usually,always, on (Mondays), every (Monday)) Ejemplos: He always plays tennis on Sundays. b. Sin adverbio de frecuencia, cuando las situaciones son rutinarias (las cosas que hacemos todo los dias, como nuestro trabajo, nuestro estudios etc.) Tom is a journalist. He writes for a newspaper I am at university. I study Economics My parents live in Romania. 2) Con verbos de estado: I like studying English To be, to have (cuando significa tener) “Verbs of thinking”: to think, believe, know, understand, etc. “Sense-perception” verbs: to see, hear, smell, taste, feel “Like-dislike” verbs: to love, hate, like, dislike, enjoy Other verbs: to want, live, etc. Usamos el Present Progressive: ...